Evidence Library


Title: Moving cautiously: Public involvement and the health technology assessment communit
Author: Gauvin, F., Abelson, J., Giacomini, M., Eyles, J. and Lavis J.
Date Published: 2011
Reference: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 27(1), 43-9
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known

Abstract: Aim: To explore the factors that may enhance or reduce the prospects for public involvement in health technology assessment (HTA) agencies. Methods: 42 semi-structured telephone interviews with staff members in HTA agencies, academics, policy makers and members of patient and service user groups in Canada, Denmark and the UK. Findings/ Recommendations: Four key factors appear to be influential: 1. The role of the International HTA community in disseminating and promoting practice ideas. 2. Limits on time and resources and the need for rapid and efficient processes in HTA. 3. Political leadership and the allocation of support/ resources from government. 4. Senior staff/ leaders within the HTA community championing public involvement. The authors conclude that evidence from robust evaluation of public involvement in HTA would help to promote its practice in future.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
public health
nature and extent of public involvement in research
journal article

Date Entered: 2014/11/05

Date Edited: 2014/11/05

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