Evidence Library


Title: Evaluation of consumer involvement in the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN): Children 2013-2014
Author: Wallace, E. and Eustace, A.
Date Published: 2014
Reference: London: National Children’s Bureau
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known

Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the consumer involvement activities carried out by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN): Children or with the support of the Network in 2013-14. Methods: The evaluators analysed the monitoring data from consumer involvement activities in the Network, and from feedback forms from parents involved in Clinical Studies Groups. They also produced ten case studies of consumer involvement through telephone interviews with researchers and/ or participants. Findings/ recommendations: The evaluation showed that the Network has supported consumer involvement in 64 projects out of a total of 144 projects in the portfolio over this time. In over half of these cases (52%), the researchers reported making changes to their research as a result of the involvement. In most cases, the involvement of children and young people had informed and improved the information for participants and/ or had contributed to the design and implementation of the research. The involvement of parents in Clinical Studies Groups was also reported to lead to changes to research proposals by around half of the parents who had been involved. The evaluators conclude that the Network’s consumer involvement strategy needs to be developed to: ensure sufficient resources are available for involvement; consider how involvement can be supported at an earlier stage before projects are accepted onto the NIHR portfolio; increase involvement in the strategic aspects of research – so that it’s not limited to developing information sheets and consent forms.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
Designing research
impact on research
impact on service users involved
impact on researchers
impact of public involvement

Date Entered: 2015/04/28

Date Edited: 2015/04/28

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