Evidence Library


Title: Biobanking from the patient perspective
Author: Mitchell, D., Geissler, J., Parry-Jones, A., Keulen, H., Schmitt, D., Vavassori, R. and Matharoo-Ball, B.
Date Published: 2015
Reference: Research Involvement and Engagement, 1, 4
Are service users or carers authors: Yes

Abstract: Biobanks are collections of donations of biological material (DNA, cells, tissue, and so on) and related data which are very valuable for research into human diseases. A variety of biobanks exist for example within hospitals, research institutes, pharmaceutical companies and patient organisations. The role of patients in biobanking is changing from being seen simply as donors, to actual collaborators in the design, development and the running of biobanks. In this article, we provide a number of examples of patients acting as partners at the heart of biobanking, where their voice and perspective is being seen and used as a valuable resource for the biobank. Our aim is that these examples can be used by those who work with patients in biobank-based research, to design future strategies for patient and public involvement in all biobanks.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
nature and extent of public involvement in research
journal article

Date Entered: 2015/07/30

Date Edited: 2015/07/30

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