Evidence Library


Title: Working with older women in research: some methods-based issues.
Author: Warren, L., Cook, J., Clarke, N., Hadfield, P., Haywood-Reed, P., Millen, L., Parkinson, M., Robinson, J., Winfield, W.
Date Published: 2003
Reference: Quality in Ageing - Policy, Practice and Research, 4(4), 24-31.
Are service users or carers authors: Yes


Aim: This paper describes a project in which older women from a range of communities collaborated with researchers to listen to the experiences of women aged 50+ from a range of ethnic groups, with a particular focus on growing older, the services they used (or would like to use) and having a say.

Methods used: The researchers ran a series of discussion groups with 100 older women from a range of communities in Sheffield. 10 older women were then recruited from three discussion groups and trained to interview individual memerbs of the groups in more detail about their lives.
Findings/recommendations: The older women who acted as interviewers helped to identify key themes and to publicise the study. The authors state that the older women who acted as co-researchers "valued the intrinsic and not just the practical outcomes of the project. Learning from and supporting one another, realising that they were not alone; feeling valued, validated and important, and building confidence and motivation". A video has been made of the women's experiences of involvement, and poems and reflections from the women have been collected.

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
public health
social care
journal article

Date Entered: 2007/02/20

Date Edited: 2012/11/20

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