Evidence Library


Title: Editorial: Consumer and researcher collaboration in trials: filling the gaps.
Author: Bastian, H.
Date Published: 2005
Reference: Clinical Trials, 2(1), 3-4.
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known


This editorial reflects on the report of the collaboration between the patient organisation, the National Association for the Relief of Paget's Disease, and the managers of the PRISM trial (a trial comparing two treatments for Paget's disease). Three major issues are raised:

  1. whether the benefits of the partnership are cost-effective or need to be directly experienced to be understood
  2. whether consumer participation always improves patient information sheets - when a more informed group might increase the complexity of the information
  3. whether the views of activist consumers are the same as non-activists and whether this makes a difference to their involvement.

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Categories: health
reflecting on public involvement in research
journal article

Date Entered: 2007/02/20

Date Edited: 2012/11/21

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