Evidence Library


Title: Evolving the multiple roles of 'patients' in health-care research: reflections after involvement in a trial of shared decision-making
Author: Thornton H., Edwards A., Elwyn, G.
Date Published: 2003
Reference: Health Expectations 6, 189-197
Are service users or carers authors: Yes


Aim: This paper sets out some "consumer-led" reflections on a study which looked at shared decision-making in general practice. 

Methods used: The study used a systematic review, evaluation of outcome measures, and quantitative, qualitative and health economic analyses of a cluster randomised trial. This paper reflects on the involvement and its impact and does not describe the research in detail. 
Findings/recommendations: Consumers and patients were involved in the research at a number of stages - setting the question, protocol design (and in particular the development of outcome measures), gaining funding, overseeing the research, and interpreting and disseminating the results. The authors conclude that responsibility for developing effective collaboration should not rest solely with professionals - consumers and consumer groups should be involved in promoting collaborative working - and that no voice, including that of the consumer, should have greater weight than any other stakeholder.  They argue that collaborative research requires a shift in attitude by researchers, consumers, policymakers and commissioners, so that all are committed to partnership working. 

External link: The following links will take you to information on this entry on an external website. INVOLVE is not responsible for the content or the reliability of the external websites. Link to abstract

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
impact on research
reflecting on public involvement in research
journal article

Date Entered: 2007/02/20

Date Edited: 2011/12/16

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