
Search our projects

You can search the projects held in our database in several ways:

  1. Freetext search
  2. Filter your freetext search
  3. Browse all projects

Freetext search:
Click in the ‘Freetext’ box under ‘Search our projects’ enter the term(s) you would like to search for and click on search projects. If you enter more than one term, for example ‘cancer’ and ‘treatment’, the results will identify all projects that contain the term ‘cancer’ and all the projects that contain the term ‘treatment’. If you only want to find projects that contain both terms together, that is ‘cancer’ and ‘treatment’, tick the box next to the freetext search box. You can also filter your freetext search by clicking on ‘Filter by …’ and selecting as many of the boxes you like within each category.

Browse all projects:
For an overview of all projects held, click on ‘Show all projects’. The results will appear in alphabetical order (by title). You may reorder by date last added by clicking on the button at the top of the page.