Support for research panel members

Support that research panel members may need includes:

Practical support – ensuring panel meetings are accessible (see Briefing note eight and Diversity supplement) and fees and expenses are paid promptly.

Emotional / psychological support – to manage people’s frustrations with the research process, and any distress caused by revisiting their experiences of illness or services, and to help them overcome any difficulties with being involved in research projects.

Personal and professional development – some panel members may need support with applying for public involvement roles which have a formal application process, especially when new to involvement. Support staff can play an important role in helping people to recognise the expertise that they bring. They can also encourage and motivate individuals, by helping them recognise how far they have travelled in their ‘involvement career’.

On-the-job support – a glossary of research terms and acronyms (that are common to the research areas considered by the panel) can help with the review of project proposals (see INVOLVE jargon buster).